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Enhancing Mental Health with Naturopathy

Last Updated on 15 October 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Mental Health disorders have risen dramatically over the last few years, with recent statistics in 2023 showing 44% of Australian’s having reported mental health concerns, this translates to over 2 in 5(1). A large percentage of this being anxiety-driven disorders, encompassing both adults and children.

With mental health disorders being more common based on many factors, working preventatively to support mental health concerns taking a holistic approach of dietary changes, lifestyle alterations, psychology techniques and nutrients and herbs where required can see a massive shift in the severity, frequency and exacerbation of mental health concerns.

The Gut Brain Connection

A Naturopath’s Guide to Improving Mental Health. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

The Gut-brain axis is a key player within the rise of mood disorders alongside gut health concerns, the gut-brain axis describes the communication between the gut and the brain and our nervous system. Gut health comes to the forefront of any mental health treatment within the holistic health model due to the gut microbiome’s ability to influence the brain, behaviour and emotional regulation via the nervous system.

The microbiome has this influence being a pivotal are of where the production of neurotransmitters takes place, with approximately 95% of serotonin (2) which is known as where happiness comes from, alongside satisfaction and optimism, comparatively 50% of dopamine is synthesised within the gut (3), which provides feelings of achievement, motivation and can influence addictive behaviours more directly. If our gut microbiome is no longer optimised the ability to create neurotransmitters responsible for these, mental health status can be compromised.

This gut-brain axis is most apparent and confirmed by the obvious symptoms of constipation during stressful times, diarrhea when anxious, or the classic ‘butterflies in stomach’ when feeling apprehensive, these common feelings are all a result of the clear communication between the gastrointestinal system and the brain. Over the last decade the use of varies gut modulating probiotics have been trialled successfully showing improvements in anxiety, stress, exhaustion, depression and cortisol levels (2).

Testing Options for Tailored Results

A Dr checking mental health. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

Testing options are varied depending on the presentation of the client, the mental health concerns and any other associated symptoms that are being experienced. There are a multitude of tests that may be indicated, but here are our top 3 that are used most commonly within our clinic:

  • DUTCH Test: Hormonal testing may be indicated if women are finding their symptoms to be associated strongly with their cycle or linked to a highly stressful event or chronic period of ongoing stress.
  • GI360 or CDSA: Gut microbiome testing can be recommended when strong gastrointestinal symptoms are combined with anxiety/low moods. If the onset of symptoms started after a bout of gastro or a course of antibiotics it may be strongly recommended to complete microbiome mapping testing to ensure all strains are adequately assessed for optimised gut microbiome status and therefore neurotransmitter synthesis.
  • Comprehensive Neurotransmitter Testing: A urine test outlining an assessment of a patients ability to create and metabolise neurotransmitters can be directly tested, testing neurotransmitters can be useful in identifying exactly which areas of brain health need to be supported for faster results and outcomes in rebalancing the root cause of your mental health concerns.

Holistic Treatment Options

The treatment options for supporting anxiety disorders, depression, OCD, ADHD, Insomnia and more can vary dramatically dependent on the overall presentation of the client, associated symptoms and health timeline. Some key nutritional and herbal remedies of note that can be perfectly tailored to your health concerns working with a practitioner can look like:

  • Probiotics: Due to the gut-brain axis, probiotics are an effective treatment method that is safe alongside most presentations and medications. A recent trail on 4 specific clinical probiotic strains showed over a 6 week period of time with substantial improvements in depressed moods, improved energy and sleep quality and reduced anger/hostility(4).
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D is a hormone with more than 200 impacts on genes and tissues within the body, a high correlation has been observed of vitamin D deficiency and depression. With decreased sunshine exposure and vitamin D levels sitting universally lower, ascertaining Vitamin D levels and treating accordingly to improve depressive symptoms can support mental health outcomes positively(5).
  • Passionflower: Passiflora incarnata has been indicated as beneficial on a variety of symptoms such as anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, and ADHD (6). Passionflower works by increasing levels of a neurotransmitter called gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA lowers the activity of some brain cells, making you feel more relaxed and calmed both mentally and physically.

Dietary Focus’s for Brain Health

Dietary Focus’s for Mental Health. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

Within naturopathy and nutrition eating a healthy diet and focusing in on some key nutrients from food can omit the need for supplementation. ‘Brain food’ really does take on a whole new meaning when you are experiencing low moods, anxious thoughts or sleep disruptions which is where diet really can support better outcomes and therefore better days! Naturally the sooner you implement dietary changes working preventatively the better the outcomes, some mental health concerns will need a more direct approach. Healthy eating habits include:

  • Reduce Caffeine Intake: Stimulating constituents such as caffeine found in coffee, green tea and black tea, along with alcohol can add significantly to anxiety and sleep disruptions. Caffeine increases neurotransmitters adrenaline and cortisol which can physically increase heart rate, blood sugar levels and even blood pressure which then contribute to jittery anxious feelings making it harder to get back to a calmer state.
  • Eat More Protein: Ensuring protein targets are being hit for general functioning and healthy neurotransmitter synthesis, protein contains amino acids which are used as precursors to create dopamine (think motivation!) and serotonin (happiness!) to name just two. When amino acids are not consumed in the form of protein adequately throughout the day, the creation of these feel good neurotransmitters struggles to be completed. Aiming for an absolute minimum of 1.5g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight is recommended as a baseline.
  • Focus on Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are found predominately in fatty fish, walnuts, hemp seeds, flax seeds and fish oils, correlations with limited omega consumption and mood disorders have been backed up through research. EPA and DHA found within Omega-3’s has been shown to improve depression symptoms on both children and adults. EPA and DHA both influence the production of Serotonin by influences the receptors associated with the creation of it.

Mental Health disorders vary dramatically in presentation and severity, working proactively with a health practitioner can help to support you during tough times and to assist in the prevention of a worsening condition. Working from all angles ranging from gut, brain, supplemental and dietary supports

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Our Amazing Naturopaths at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

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External References

Naturopathic Care for Anxiety: A Randomised Controlled Trial PLOS ONE

Global Naturopathy Research as Reflected by Scopus (2000–2019) –  Emerald Insight

Selenium and Naturopathic Treatment of Hashimoto’s Disease – PubMed

Global Strategy for Traditional and Complementary Medicine – World Health Organization (WHO)

Naturopathy for Mental Health: Approaches to Anxiety and Depression – Journal of Integrative Medicine

Naturopathic Research Resources – World Naturopathic Federation

World Naturopathic Federation – Naturopathic Research Resources

BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies – Overview of International Naturopathic Practice and Patient Characteristics

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) – Evidence-Based Naturopathy for Chronic Disease Management

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine – Naturopathic Research Capacity in Clinical Practice

PubMed – Clinical Evidence for Selenium and Naturopathic Treatment of Hashimoto’s Disease

World Health Organization (WHO) – Traditional and Complementary Medicine Strategy

Journal of Integrative Medicine – Naturopathic Approaches to Anxiety and Depression

National University of Health Sciences – Resources for Naturopathic Research

Cambridge Media Journals – Naturopathy in Clinical Practice Guidelines

The American Journal of Medicine – The Integration of Naturopathy in Chronic Disease Management

External Resources

– National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
– Australian Government: Department of Health
– World Health Organization (WHO) – Traditional Medicine
– National Institutes of Health (NIH) – MedlinePlus: Complementary and Integrative Medicine
– Australian Research Centre in Complementary and Integrative Medicine (ARCCIM)
– British Medical Journal (BMJ) Complementary Medicine
– Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS)
– University of Sydney – Complementary Medicine Research
– Australian College of Natural Medicine
– Natural and Traditional Medicine Program at the Australian National University

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Brisbane Livewell Clinic, located in Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill, is Brisbane’s top health, natural therapies, and wellness clinic. Founded in 1979, it is the longest-running wellness centre in Brisbane.

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This article is a collaborative effort crafted with input from Brisbane Livewell Clinic practitioners. Our team, leaders in their fields, ensures the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects our commitment to a holistic and evidence-based approach to health and wellness.

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