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Preparing for a Spring Detox: Tips and Strategies

Last Updated on 31 August 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Spring is a popular time to Detox, and while the word ‘Detox’ may conjure up certain images like sitting in saunas, being pampered at a day spa with seaweed body wraps or drinking vegetable juices for days on end, the truth is, our bodies are in a constant state of detoxification. A Detox can be whatever you make it. For some, diet change alone is enough to feel a change for the better while others taking supplements to support gut, liver and kidney detoxification may be the best way to enhance the body’s natural processes.

Before, during and after your Spring Detox – it’s always about better health.

The main thing to keep in mind is that a Detox is not a ‘quick fix’ – it’s a way to improve cellular health. Our state of health is in constant flux, so ongoing daily practices will always maintain better health than a short term Detox. That being said, a Detox is like a springboard to better health, so those basic healthy habits like eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, keeping hydrated, getting adequate sleep and regular exercise are all recommended maintenance goals to keep on with post Detox.

For the preparation phase of a Detox identifying any weaknesses in your daily routine and looking at the best supportive strategies will help you implement the longer-term changes. The more you can incorporate these healthy habits into daily life pre Detox, rather than rely on the Detox period alone, the easier the Detox will be. Of course, a Detox is often the prompter to make these changes, so the idea is to give some thought pre Detox or Spring Detox to realistic goals to work towards.

How you Detox depends on why you Detox.

There are several reasons why people choose to Detox, including:

Weight loss, preconception care, heavy metal toxicity, quitting smoking or alcohol cessation and general wellbeing. A weight loss goal can be a popular motivating factor to detox to help kickstart weight loss, while the preconception care period is an important time to improve cellular health. Different seasons come to different strategies, so it’s best to seek advice to meet your unique needs.

What to do ahead of time for your Spring Detox

Here is a checklist to help you feel prepared

  1. Get a good quality water filter. Chlorinated water negatively impacts good gut bacteria and impairs our ability to be well hydrated. Go one step further and get a shower filter too.
  2. Use natural products on your body and in your household – read our BLOG HERE on Detoxing outside of the Body.
  3. Start eating purely plant-based one day per week. We provide several detox diet options, including vegan detox guidelines and diets that can incorporate a small number of certain animal products like fish or chicken breast. While you might still be able to consume some meat during your detox, it’s worth experiencing plant-based days and seeing if you can increase the number of days without meat at the height of the detox.
  4. Phase-out what’s in the pantry that you know will be too tempting mid Detox. This is especially important if you are at home and doing it alone. If you are in a shared household, you might need to make a dedicated shelf of the pantry or separate cupboard for your food to help you keep focus. Have a few freezer meals ready for the rest of the family if they can’t handle what’s on the detox menu and plan for yourself
  5. Be supplement savvy. You might already be taking prescribed or over the counter supplements. Still, these will need to be reviewed before your detox to decide whether they should be continued during the detox period. Never stop prescribed medication – our Naturopaths will always check interactions for you when you are a candidate for detox and take prescribed medicines and tailor a solution for your needs.
  6. Manage your Mindset. Don’t overcompensate by doing things now that are naughtier because you’ll make up for it when you detox. Moderation is key – even during a detox. Avoid overindulging in alcohol or sneaking that extra coffee just because you’re about to give them up for a week.
  7. Make sure your bowels are moving daily. If they aren’t, then you need to rethink your detox plans. Constipation creates a vicious cycle of recirculating toxins as they are drawn out of the bowel and into the bloodstream. The best thing to do is talk to a practitioner and get advice about digestive health and ensure you have strategies in place to avoid constipation during your detox.

Safety first – make sure a Detox is right for you.

Most importantly, before a Detox, get a check-up to ensure you have healthy liver and kidney function. While a Detox may seem like a great way to get healthy if you have any underlying issues (particularly unidentified issues), a Detox could do more harm than good. Talking to your Naturopath about a Detox program will involve being assessed to see if you are actually a safe candidate for Detox.

Detox isn’t a dirty word!

Getting a program tailored to your needs makes a big difference as it considers all the unique factors to you. We are here to help with your health goals and break down the stereotypes about what a detox is – it might be easier to do than you think!

Want to learn more? We have these Blogs that may also interest you. Click HERE or HERE

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This article is a collaborative effort crafted with input from Brisbane Livewell Clinic practitioners. Our team, leaders in their fields, ensures the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects our commitment to a holistic and evidence-based approach to health and wellness.

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