The Genetic Methylation test is one of the most significant breakthroughs in the field of epigenetics, opening new doors to understanding our health. As the years go by, the relevance and application of the Methylation Genetic Testing has grown, offering patients deeper insights into their genetic predispositions and overall health.

Brisbane Livewell Clinic provides comprehensive Genetic Methylation Testing, helping our patients to achieve optimal health through personalised approaches based on their own genetic methylation profile.

Genetic Methylation Testing at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of what a genetic methylation test is, how it works, and why it could be a vital tool for your health management, particularly through the services offered at Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

What is a Genetic Methylation Test?

A genetic methylation test examines the methylation patterns in your DNA. Methylation is an epigenetic mechanism that involves adding a methyl group to the DNA molecule, affecting gene expression without altering the underlying genetic sequence. This process plays a crucial role in regulating gene activity, cellular function, and overall health.

Genetic Methylation Test - Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Importance of Methylation in Genetics

Methylation is essential because it controls gene expression, turning genes on or off as needed. Proper methylation is vital for:

  • Development and growth: Ensuring genes required for development are activated at the right times.
  • Disease prevention: Silencing genes that could contribute to diseases if expressed inappropriately.
  • Aging and longevity: Influencing the aging process and associated conditions.
Infographic - Genetic Methylation Test

Benefits of Genetic Methylation Testing at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Understanding your methylation patterns through a genetic methylation test at Brisbane Livewell Clinic can offer numerous benefits, including:

  • Personalised health insights: Tailored recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and supplements based on your unique genetic profile.
  • Early disease detection: Identifying potential health risks before symptoms appear.
  • Optimised health management: We tailor your Comprehensive Health Report results and give you a Wellness Plan with our recommendations to improve your overall well-being.

The Science Behind Methylation

Epigenetics and Gene Expression

Epigenetics refers to changes in gene activity that do not involve alterations to the genetic code itself. Methylation is a primary epigenetic mechanism, affecting how genes are expressed and regulated.

Factors Influencing Methylation

Several factors can influence methylation patterns, including:

  • Diet: Nutrient intake can impact methylation. For instance, folate and vitamin B12 are crucial for proper methylation.
  • Environment: Exposure to toxins and pollutants can affect methylation.
  • Lifestyle: Stress, physical activity, and sleep can also influence methylation patterns.

How Does a Genetic Methylation Test Work?

1. Naturopath Consultation

The process at Brisbane Livewell Clinic with a consultation with one of our skilled and empathetic Practitioners. They will take a full history and discuss your health challenges, then recommend (or agree with you) that you take a Genetic Methylation DNA Test.

You will pay for your Genetic Methylation Test at our Reception counter, and we will order the kit to be sent to you. It may take a week or so for you to receive it.

2. Receive a Test Kit and Take a Sample

The DNA Test Kit will be posted to your home address (or other specified address). Just follow the simple instructions in the Test Kit and take a DNA swab from your saliva.

The swab can then be packed up and you can post it (within its pre-paid postage) back to NutriPath. They will then send it to the myDNA laboratory for analysis.

3. Laboratory Analysis

In the lab, scientists analyse the DNA sample to identify methylation patterns. Advanced technologies, such as next-generation sequencing, are used to provide accurate and detailed results.

DNA Genetic Methylation Test

4. Report Generation

After analysis, a Comprehensive Health Report is generated by myDNA, highlighting your methylation status, potential health risks, and some recommendations from myDNA. This Report will be sent to us at Brisbane Livewell Clinic, and we'll arrange for you to come in and discuss your Comprehensive Health Report with our Naturopath.

MyDNA Comprehensive Health Report. Genetic Methylation Testing

5. myDNA Health Report and Wellness Plan Consultation

At your Naturopath Consultation, your Naturopath will discuss your Comprehensive Health Report with you and will make tailored recommendations about your health based on what is in the Report. They will work with you to develop a personalised Wellness Plan which sets out a plan of action - broken into steps - for improving your health and helping you to overcome your health challenges, which may include changes to your diet, lifestyle, and health management.

Your Naturopath may also recommend a course of supplements or liquid herbs to help your health improve.

Who Should Consider Getting a Genetic Methylation Test?

Genetic methylation testing can be beneficial for various people, including:

  • Those with a family history of chronic diseases: To understand inherited risks and take preventive measures.
  • Patients interested in personalised medicine: For tailored health and Wellness Plans from our Naturopaths.
  • Anyone looking to optimise their health: To get a detailed understanding of their genetic makeup and improve lifestyle choices.

Benefits according to Nutripath:

  • One test, with your unique DNA results, that lasts a lifetime. 
  • Helps to get to the root of health concerns.
  • Identifies ways to be proactive in optimising your health and wellness.
  • A tailored management plan, based on your unique DNA, to maximise health outcomes.
A man and woman holding a baby in a field. Happy family after Genetic Methylation Testing and Naturopath consultation

Informed Consent

We recommend that you ensure you understand and agree to the terms of the DNA test, including how your genetic data will be used and protected. Make sure to discuss this with your health insurance provider, to determine whether there may be any impact.

Below are the statements made by both myDNA and NutriPath, our DNA Test providers/suppliers, in relation to your data security. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of these statements, so please do your own research, particularly into whether you will be required to disclose your DNA Test results to your health insurance fund.

myDNA logo
myDNA Data Protection Policy. Genetic Methylation Testing
NutriPath logo
Nutripath Privacy Policy

Common Findings in Genetic Methylation Tests


Hypermethylation refers to excessive methylation, which can silence genes that should be active, potentially leading to health issues.


Hypomethylation indicates insufficient methylation, which can result in the activation of harmful genes.

Aberrant Methylation Patterns

Abnormal methylation patterns can be associated with various conditions, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders.

Health Conditions Linked to Methylation


Aberrant methylation patterns can contribute to the development and progression of cancer by silencing tumour suppressor genes or activating oncogenes.

Cardiovascular Diseases

Methylation can influence heart health by affecting genes involved in inflammation, cholesterol metabolism, and blood pressure regulation.

Neurological Disorders

Methylation patterns play a role in brain function and can be linked to conditions like Alzheimer's disease, autism, and schizophrenia.

Latest Advances in Genetic Methylation Testing

Improved Technologies

Advancements in sequencing technologies have made methylation testing more accurate, accessible, and affordable.

Expanded Applications

Researchers are exploring new applications for methylation testing, including its use in monitoring disease progression and response to treatment.

Integration with Other Genetic Tests

Combining methylation testing with other genetic tests can provide a more comprehensive understanding of an individual's health.

Cost of Genetic Methylation Testing

Factors Influencing Cost

Genetic methylation testing cost can vary based on factors such as the provider, the comprehensiveness of the test, and the technologies used.

Insurance Coverage

Check if your health insurance policy covers genetic methylation testing and (if so) what the reimbursement policies are. Also make sure you check whether having a genetic methylation test will affect your premiums or coverage.

Preparing for Your Appointment

Questions to Ask Your Naturopath at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Prepare a list of questions to ask your Naturopath about the DNA test, its benefits, and its implications for your health.

What to Expect During the Test

Understand what to expect during the sample collection process and how to prepare for it.


Ask how long various steps are likely to take. For example:

1. Postage of the Genetic Methylation Test Kit to you (approximately 1 week)

2.  Analysis of the DNA sample to identify methylation patterns (approximately 5-6 weeks at myDNA)

3. Return of your Comprehensive Health Report to Brisbane Livewell Clinic (approximately 1 week).

We suggest our patients allow 6 to 8 weeks for the whole process. 

Follow-Up Appointments

Plan for follow-up appointments to discuss your test results with our Naturopath and next steps.

Top Tips for DNA Tests

  1. Choose a Reputable Provider: Ensure the provider is certified and uses reliable technologies, like myDNA through Brisbane Livewell Clinic.
  2. Understand the Purpose: Clarify why you need the test – for health risks, ancestry, or other reasons. The Genetic Methylation Test is only for health reasons.
  3. Consult a Professional: Before and after the test, consult with your Naturopaths to interpret the results accurately.
  4. Consider Privacy: Ensure your data will be protected and used ethically.
  5. Prepare Questions: Have a list of questions ready for your Naturopath regarding the test and results.
  6. Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest research and advances in genetic testing.
  7. Understand the Limitations: Know what the test can and cannot tell you about your health.
  8. Look at Family History: Consider how your family history might influence your test results.
  9. Use Results Wisely: Implement lifestyle and health changes based on your results.
  10. Follow Up: Schedule follow-up appointments with your Naturopath to discuss your progress and any new insights.
Family Smiling. Methylation Gene Testing DNA


A genetic methylation test is a powerful tool for understanding your genetic makeup and taking proactive steps to manage your health. New advances in this field offer more accurate, accessible, and personalised insights than ever before. By understanding your methylation patterns with the expert guidance of the Naturopaths at Brisbane Livewell Clinic, you can make informed decisions about your health and well-being, potentially preventing chronic diseases and enhancing your quality of life.

For anyone considering a genetic methylation test, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider, choose a reputable testing provider like Brisbane Livewell Clinic (through myDNA), and understand the implications of the results. Embracing this cutting-edge technology can empower you to take control of your health in ways previously unimaginable.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a genetic methylation test?

A genetic methylation test examines the methylation patterns in your DNA, providing insights into gene expression and potential health risks. Brisbane Livewell Clinic (through myDNA) offers this advanced testing to help understand and manage your health better.

2. How is a genetic methylation test performed?

The test typically involves collecting a saliva sample at your home with the test kit (posted to you), which is then analysed in a lab to detect methylation patterns.

3. Who should consider getting a genetic methylation test?

Patients with a family history of chronic diseases, those interested in personalised medicine, and anyone looking to optimise their health and the health of their families should consider this test, available through our Naturopaths at Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

Woman and Three Children Playing at the beach. DNA Genetic Methylation Test

4. What can I learn from a genetic methylation test?

You can learn about your genetic predispositions, potential health risks, and receive personalised recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and health management from our expert Naturopaths at Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

5. How much does a genetic methylation test cost?

The cost of our Genetic Methylation Test Package at Brisbane Livewell Clinic, which includes 2 Naturopath consultations, your DNA test kit, your Comprehensive Health Report, and a tailored Wellness Plan, is $756. 

6. Is genetic methylation testing covered by insurance?

Some insurance plans may cover genetic methylation testing. Check with your health care fund provider for specific coverage details.

Last Updated on 26 July 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic