Last Updated on 30 August 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic
Your Health and Wellbeing is not just the absence of a disease or illness. Real health comes from a sense of balance and harmony felt across all of our body systems. This sense, known as our vitality or vital force, is what drives us forward, strengthens our immunity, and protects our body from harm. It is our vitality that makes us well. And we can build on and strengthen our vitality every day by adhering to a few simple guidelines for wellbeing.
1. Following a whole food diet
Rich in fresh, seasonal plant-based foods and high quality (organic where possible) animal products if you are not a plant-based eater, a good wholefood diet is high in fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein, slow-burning carbohydrates and healthy fats. In effect, it is a diet high in whole foods that provides all the necessary elements for a healthy and vital body and mind to function at its peak and with a sense of balance and vitality. (1) (4)
2. Drink plenty of fresh, filtered water (around 2L daily)
Vital for cellular hydration and blood flow throughout the body, water really is the elixir of life for our well-being and vitality. Water acts as the hydration for cells, so they can build the electrical charges needed to run our nervous system, move our muscles, and power our brain. It also provides our blood with the volume it needs to course through our hearts and blood vessels to supply nutrients and oxygen to all our cells and tissues. (1) (3) (4)
3. Practice daily self-care
Taking care of your body and mind by listening to its call for rest, creativity, intellectual stimulation, or mindful meditation is a core component of your wellbeing. Whether it is yogic breathing, painting, reading, taking a walk or listening to a podcast, doing things that support your relaxation and make you feel most like yourself are just as important to your wellbeing as the food you eat and the air you breathe. (1) (3) (4)
4. Move yourself
Speaking of the air you breathe, moving is the best way we as humans have to bring extra air into our bodies to flood our cells and organs with pure and nourishing oxygen. Whether a fitness class, 10km run or short hike is your thing, any movement is invigorating to our body and mind. If you can do your exercise out-of-doors and away from main roads and industrial areas, it is even better. (1) (2) (3) (4)
5. Visit a holistic health professional
Just as you must know how to look after yourself when it comes to your vitality and wellbeing, knowing when to contact a holistic health professional for advice and support is just as critical. If you are feeling run down, tired, fatigued, overwhelmed, sick or just in need of a little tune-up, consult a holistic health care practitioner like a naturopath to assist you in understanding what is out of balance and in helping you to come up with a plan individualised for your specific needs.
We are at the Health, Wellness and Fitness Expo 2021 Sunday 25th July. Naturopath Amber Foley is speaking at 12 Noon and will be with us all day. Please come and say Hello. Amber will be happy to answer your questions.