Discovering Kinesiology in Brisbane

Last Updated on 25 October 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

If you’ve been feeling drawn to the idea of experiencing Kinesiology, it comes with many good reasons why it might serve you to pursue it. Call it an Art and a Science, Kinesiology is a holistic and complete methodology. (1) Like all complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities, it treats the individual with aspects of physical, mental and emotional healing simultaneously addressed. Kinesiology is a stress management system – so it makes sense that the recipient may even experience an improved energetic and psychic state. (1)

From stress management to pain management, Kinesiology works because it addresses the key element to better health – correcting the imbalance. While there are many different approaches taken by Kinesiologists, the common ground is the use of manual muscle testing as a diagnostic tool. (2) Resident Brisbane Livewell Clinic Kinesiologist Michael McCloskey explains: “When we find something stressful, all body systems shut down for a microsecond and this gives us our indicator muscle response.”

Pain management

Kinesiology can be relevant for any age group, works well in sub-clinical situations and is proven to be of great help in pathological cases, through its capacity to reduce stress and activate innate health mechanisms. (1) Patients experiencing emotional trauma related to chronic pain can respond well to Kinesiology. Practitioners consider healing trauma as a relevant factor in pain management and addressing it is part of a holistic treatment plan. Injuries from motor vehicle accidents are a good example of how practitioners can tune in to their patients to interpret their pain responses. Michael explains: “I focus on finding and identifying neurological glitches within the gait system – the mechanism by which our arms and legs work together so that we can move in a balanced and organised way. When these glitches exist many muscles all over the body are affected and the body compensates for the imbalance – the result of these imbalances is often pain.”

Neural Organisation Therapy (N.O.T)

Many of Michaels’ patients will experience Neural Organisation Therapy (N.O.T) technique: “I use many different Kinesiology techniques but I love starting with N.O.T,” he says. “This is a series of corrections that identifies and balances these neurological glitches by resetting the major survival systems of the body in order of the neurological priority.” Michael describes this practice as being hands-on: “ N.O.T involves contact with lots of reflex points all over the body done in specific sequences.” This and several other kinesiology techniques involve working directly on the dura, the outermost layer of the three meninges that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. “By restoring balance to the dura we restore balance all over the body,” he notes. (3)

Body work done differently 

Putting your body to the test with an indicator muscle response helps to deepen your own understanding of your wellbeing. It’s a great way to practice self-care and develop better intuition when it comes to your sense of wellbeing. Michael describes his therapeutic relationship with his patients: “When we work with a patient, everything that they know, we know, at an unconscious level – and everything that I know they know – so their body tells me how to fix the problem.”

Kinesiology is about healing the healthy way – from the resources already within the body and mind. All treatment roads lead to a solution – with your mind-body connection guiding the way. Your practitioner is just along for the ride!

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This article is a collaborative effort crafted with input from Brisbane Livewell Clinic practitioners. Our team, leaders in their fields, ensures the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects our commitment to a holistic and evidence-based approach to health and wellness.

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