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Understanding Postpartum Depression in Fathers

Last Updated on 8 March 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Natural Health Advice for New Dads who may be experiencing Paternal Postpartum Depression. The early years of parenthood is a vital time to keep healthy habits, look after mental well-being and make time for self-care. For most men, first-time fatherhood involves significant changes in self-identity. (1) Australian men who were interviewed as first-time fathers reported that they felt the need to be simultaneously providers, guides, household help and nurturer. (1) It’s no wonder that men tend to put themselves last – but men too can have the postpartum blues.

Paternal Postpartum depression (PPD) has potential risk factors, including a history of depression. (2) The joys of fatherhood shouldn’t be overshadowed, so let’s take a look at strategies for better general well-being for Dads, helping keep depression at bay.

Postpartum Depression in Dads. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

Father Figure (avoiding the ‘Dad Bod’)


Exercise helps to reset your circadian rhythm when you’ve had a few (or several) sleepless nights. Great for mood, pram walks are a chance to lock eyes on your little one, helping to release those feel-good endorphins. Keeping that special bond strong by spending one-on-one time with older children helps with the adjustment period for both of you. You might not have the energy and enthusiasm of a toddler or preschooler but trying to keep up with them sure feels like exercise, so make it count!

Eat Well

Well-nourished parents can naturally take on their role as nurturers with a little more zest. Healthy foods decrease depression risk and possibly even improve depressive symptoms. (3) Olive oil, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, poultry, dairy and unprocessed meat may and should feature on your plate every day. The opposite can be said for unhealthy western food choices like sweetened beverages, refined food, fried food, processed meat, refined grains, biscuits, and pastries all shown to increase the risk of depression in studies, (3) so keep these choices to a minimum.

Prioritise Sleep

Sleep deprivation and disrupted circadian rhythm may be linked to paternal PPD, (2) so do what it takes to make sleep a priority. That might mean going to bed earlier or taking a power nap. Regardless, if the quantity of sleep is going to be affected, make it good quality. Supplements like Magnesium can really shine for sleep, or getting a herbalist to mix up a personalised formula could also be a game changer.

Staying in a Good Mood for your Brood

Recognising and treating paternal PPD can improve the quality of life for both fathers and their family unit and importantly, decrease the risk for emotional and behavioural problems in children. (2) There is no better reason to stay on top of strong emotions and seek support if you need it. Finding outlets to address feelings of depression or anxiety can help to change your outlook too.


Dad in gym. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

One way to fill your own cup is to include a healthy relaxation practice. A weekly gym or yoga session, monthly acupuncture or remedial massage could be a chance to step away without guilt, knowing you will be much better for it.

Laughter is the best medicine

Great for a mood boost, a good belly laugh is certainly one way to get an ab workout and as your little one grows you will get ample opportunity to have a good giggle with them. Laughter can be something to emphasise in your daily life. Make it happen socially with friends (think charades, games nights, having joke competitions), and personally by keeping your TV viewing light and light-hearted.

Dads Need Down Time

Here is your reminder that you need some downtime. Finding ways to do this while keeping home life harmonious might seem hard but it’s essential that both parents have some time and space for themselves. Work out what your non-negotiable is – but keep it healthy and make sure your partner is on board and able to support you. Uninterrupted is the key – and chances are it will only feel momentary in the scheme of things. However, a little downtime can do wonders for your well-being and willingness to jump straight back into Dad mode the rest of the time!

Dad’s the Word

Dad with his new born. Brisbane livewell Clinic.

If you’ve truly hit a rough patch, natural supplements can help to bolster your brain chemistry and bring you a better mood. We’re here to make Paternal Postpartum depression (PPD) part of the conversation – and we’d like nothing more than to hear your thoughts.

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