Discover how virtual gastric band hypnosis can help you achieve weight loss goals. Learn from reviews and understand the benefits and effectiveness of this non-surgical approach.

Key Takeaways:

  • Virtual gastric band hypnosis mimics the effects of gastric band surgery without physical intervention.

  • Positive reviews highlight its effectiveness in promoting sustainable weight loss.

  • Understanding real experiences helps you decide if this method is right for you.

  • Virtual gastric band hypnosis can lead to significant lifestyle and behavioural changes.

Why is Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Important to You?

Virtual gastric band hypnosis offers a non-surgical solution for individuals seeking to achieve sustainable weight loss. Understanding the effectiveness through reviews can help you make an informed decision about this innovative approach to weight management.


Virtual gastric band hypnosis is a revolutionary weight loss technique that uses hypnosis to convince the mind that a gastric band has been fitted around the stomach. This non-surgical approach aims to reduce food intake and promote weight loss. This article explores the benefits, effectiveness, and real-life reviews of virtual gastric band hypnosis, helping you understand if it is the right choice for your weight loss journey.

1. What is Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis?

Virtual gastric band hypnosis is a procedure where a hypnotherapist guides you into a relaxed state and uses suggestion to convince your subconscious mind that you have undergone gastric band surgery. Unlike actual surgery, there is no physical operation involved. Instead, the mind is trained to feel that the stomach is smaller, leading to reduced food intake and promoting weight loss.

2. Benefits of Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis

Virtual gastric band hypnosis offers numerous benefits, making it an attractive option for weight loss:

  • Non-Surgical: Avoids the risks and recovery time associated with surgical procedures.

  • Cost-Effective: Typically more affordable than surgical gastric banding.

  • Minimal Side Effects: Few to no physical side effects compared to surgery.

  • Sustainable Weight Loss: Encourages long-term lifestyle and behavioural changes.

  • Mental Health Improvement: Can also help reduce anxiety and improve overall mental well-being.

3. Understanding Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Reviews

Reviews from individuals who have undergone virtual gastric band hypnosis provide valuable insights into its effectiveness and impact. Here are some key points highlighted in reviews:

  • Success Stories: Many individuals report significant weight loss and improved eating habits.

  • Positive Experiences: Users often mention increased motivation and better control over food cravings.

  • Varied Results: While most reviews are positive, some indicate varying degrees of success, highlighting the importance of a skilled hypnotherapist.

4. How Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Works

The process of virtual gastric band hypnosis involves several stages:

  • Initial Consultation: The hypnotherapist assesses your suitability for the procedure and discusses your weight loss goals.

  • Hypnosis Sessions: You undergo multiple hypnosis sessions where the therapist uses suggestion to create the sensation of a gastric band.

  • Follow-Up: Regular follow-up sessions help reinforce the suggestions and address any challenges you may face.

  • Support and Guidance: Ongoing support is provided to ensure long-term success and address any psychological barriers to weight loss.

5. Choosing the Right Hypnotherapist for Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis

Selecting a qualified hypnotherapist is crucial for the success of virtual gastric band hypnosis. Consider the following factors:

  • Credentials and Experience: Ensure the hypnotherapist is certified and experienced in weight loss hypnosis.

  • Client Testimonials: Look for reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the effectiveness of the hypnotherapist.

  • Initial Consultation: A good hypnotherapist will offer an initial consultation to discuss your needs and expectations.

6. What You Need to Know About Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis

  • Personalised Treatment: Hypnotherapy sessions are tailored to individual needs, ensuring effective and targeted treatment.

  • Qualified Professionals: Ensure that the hypnotherapist is certified and has experience with virtual gastric band hypnosis.

  • Proven Techniques: Uses scientifically proven hypnosis techniques to achieve effective results.

7. Innovative Applications of Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Beyond virtual gastric band hypnosis, there are other innovative applications of hypnosis for weight loss:

  • Behavioural Change Hypnosis: Focuses on altering eating habits and lifestyle choices to promote weight loss.

  • Emotional Eating Hypnosis: Addresses the emotional triggers that lead to overeating, helping individuals manage stress and emotions more effectively.

  • Performance Enhancement: Hypnosis can improve motivation and commitment to exercise and healthy eating.

8. Real Success Stories

  • Case Study 1: A woman who struggled with obesity reported losing over 20 kilograms in six months after undergoing virtual gastric band hypnosis. She also noted a significant reduction in anxiety and improved self-esteem.

  • Case Study 2: An individual with a history of failed diets successfully maintained a steady weight loss of 1-2 kilograms per month with virtual gastric band hypnosis, highlighting the method's sustainability.

  • Case Study 3: A middle-aged man experienced a drastic change in eating habits and a loss of 15 kilograms over four months. He credited the hypnosis sessions for improving his relationship with food and boosting his confidence.

9. Preparing for Your Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Session

Preparation can enhance the effectiveness of your virtual gastric band hypnosis session:

  • Understand the Process: Familiarise yourself with the hypnosis procedure and its goals.

  • Set Clear Objectives: Define your weight loss goals and discuss them with your hypnotherapist.

  • Relax and Trust: Approach the session with an open mind and trust the process, as hypnotherapy requires cooperation between you and the therapist.

  • Wear Comfortable Clothes: Dress comfortably to help you relax during the session.

  • Avoid Heavy Meals and Caffeine: Before the session, avoid heavy meals and caffeine to ensure you are in a relaxed state.

10. Common Myths About Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis

There are several myths about virtual gastric band hypnosis that need clarification:

  • Myth 1: It’s the same as dieting. (Reality: Unlike dieting, virtual gastric band hypnosis addresses the subconscious mind to change eating behaviours and reduce food intake without the feeling of deprivation.)

  • Myth 2: Results are immediate. (Reality: While some individuals may see quick results, sustainable weight loss typically requires multiple sessions and ongoing support.)

  • Myth 3: It’s only for the weak-minded. (Reality: Hypnosis works best with individuals who are open to the process and committed to their weight loss goals.)

  • Myth 4: You lose control during hypnosis. (Reality: You remain in control and aware during the entire hypnosis session.)

11. Scientific Evidence Supporting Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis

  • Research Studies: Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of virtual gastric band hypnosis. For example, a study published in the Journal of Obesity found that participants experienced significant weight loss and improved eating behaviours.

  • Clinical Applications: Hypnotherapy is used in various medical settings to support weight loss and improve mental health. Clinical evidence supports its effectiveness in promoting sustainable weight management.

  • Health Outcomes: Patients undergoing virtual gastric band hypnosis often report higher satisfaction and better health outcomes compared to traditional dieting methods.

12. Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis for Long-Term Weight Management

Virtual gastric band hypnosis not only promotes initial weight loss but also supports long-term weight management:

  • Sustainable Habits: Helps establish healthy eating habits that are easier to maintain over the long term.

  • Behavioural Reinforcement: Ongoing hypnosis sessions reinforce positive behaviours and help prevent relapse into old habits.

  • Holistic Approach: Addresses both physical and psychological aspects of weight loss, leading to comprehensive health improvements.

13. Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis vs. Surgical Gastric Banding

Understanding the differences between virtual gastric band hypnosis and surgical gastric banding can help you make an informed decision:

  • Non-Invasive: Virtual gastric band hypnosis is non-invasive and does not involve the risks associated with surgery.

  • Cost-Effective: Generally more affordable than surgical options.

  • Flexibility: Hypnotherapy sessions can be adjusted and personalised, whereas surgery is a one-time procedure.

  • Recovery Time: No physical recovery time is needed with hypnosis, unlike the significant downtime required after surgery.


Virtual gastric band hypnosis offers a promising and innovative approach to weight loss, providing a non-surgical alternative to traditional gastric banding. By understanding the effectiveness and benefits through reviews and real-life experiences, you can make an informed decision about whether this method is right for you. With the guidance of a qualified hypnotherapist, virtual gastric band hypnosis can lead to sustainable weight loss and significant improvements in your overall well-being.


1. What is virtual gastric band hypnosis? 

Virtual gastric band hypnosis is a non-surgical procedure that uses hypnosis to convince your mind that a gastric band has been fitted around your stomach, reducing food intake and promoting weight loss.

2. How does virtual gastric band hypnosis work? 

The hypnotherapist guides you into a relaxed state and uses suggestion to create the sensation of a gastric band, leading to reduced food intake and sustainable weight loss.

3. Is virtual gastric band hypnosis effective? 

Many individuals report significant weight loss and improved eating habits. However, results can vary, and the success of the procedure often depends on the skill of the hypnotherapist and the individual’s commitment.

4. Are there any side effects of virtual gastric band hypnosis? 

Virtual gastric band hypnosis has minimal to no physical side effects compared to surgical gastric banding.

5. How many sessions are needed for virtual gastric band hypnosis? 

The number of sessions required can vary. Most individuals need multiple sessions to achieve and maintain their weight loss goals.

6. Is virtual gastric band hypnosis covered by insurance? 

Coverage depends on your insurance policy; check with your provider to see if hypnotherapy is included.

7. What should I expect during a virtual gastric band hypnosis session? 

You will be guided into a state of relaxation and given positive suggestions to help reduce your food intake and promote weight loss.

8. Can virtual gastric band hypnosis help with emotional eating? 

Yes, virtual gastric band hypnosis can address emotional triggers that lead to overeating, helping you manage stress and emotions more effectively.

9. Is virtual gastric band hypnosis suitable for everyone? 

Virtual gastric band hypnosis is suitable for most individuals, but it’s important to consult with a qualified hypnotherapist to determine if it’s right for you.

10 How do I choose a hypnotherapist for virtual gastric band hypnosis? 

Look for credentials, experience, client testimonials, and an initial consultation to discuss your needs and expectations.

11. Can virtual gastric band hypnosis be combined with other weight loss methods? 

Yes, it can be combined with other methods like diet and exercise for enhanced results.

12. What is the success rate of virtual gastric band hypnosis? 

Success rates can vary, but many individuals report positive outcomes and sustainable weight loss.

13. How does virtual gastric band hypnosis compare to surgical gastric banding? 

Virtual gastric band hypnosis is non-invasive, more affordable, and has no physical recovery time compared to surgical gastric banding.

Last Updated on 2 July 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic