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Supporting your Breastfeeding goals with Herbal Medicine and Nutrition

Last Updated on 23 July 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Breastfeeding can be one of the most amazing but also the most difficult things a women can do. While not everyone chooses to breastfeed those that do can come across many challenges they want to persevere through such as periods of low milk supply, latch issues or food reactivity via breastmilk that their little one can experience. Breastfeeding can be supported via correct nutritional and herbal medicine and structural guidance from lactation consultants, this can support mums and their babies into a healthy, happy and enjoyable breastfeeding experience. With statistics showing that 60% of women do not meet their own breastfeeding goals supporting these women with holistic care is paramount.

What are the benefits of Breastfeeding?

benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom and baby. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.
The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and the continuation of breastfeeding until the age of 2 years old alongside solid foods – they also strongly recommend early initiation within the first hour after given birth of breastfeeding when possible. While this recommendation is given only 44% of 0–6 months old are exclusively breastfed across the world(1).  Research has shown that breast-feeding provides optimal nutrition and immune benefits. Statistics show that children who are breastfed are less likely to grow up to be overweight and have higher intelligence outcomes than those who are not.

Interestingly these benefits continue with reductions in health conditions such as diabetes, asthma and allergies being less likely in those who are breastfed as a child.
For the mother, breastfeeding reduces the risk of both breast and ovarian cancers due to the protective hormonal fluctuations that occur while breastfeeding making it a beneficial practice for not only the babies growth but the mums health as well (1).
While breastfeeding does have undeniable evidence showing it provides the best health outcomes for babies and mums, formula feeding can be supported to assist in improving health outcomes where it is not possible or the pros of breastfeeding are being outweighed by the cons which can include latch issues, structural feeding problems and the mother’s mental health. A baby who is growing and thriving with happy parents will always be the best outcome.

Low Milk Supply Support

Low Milk Supply Support in breastfeeding. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.
Any breastfeeding mother comes across the same concern “is my baby getting enough?!”. A lowered milk supply has been shown as a common reason for early cessation of breastfeeding initiated by either the mum or the baby. When milk supply is lowered it can be due to a whole host of reasons with latch issues being the most common due to the feedback mechanism that promotes more milk flow. Alongside this a reduction in feeding frequency can further reiterate that less milk is required.
There are a class of herbs called galactagogues which have been used traditionally and in modern society to support milk supply and improve the overall feeding experience when milk supply concerns are arising.
This can include herbs being used in tea or supplemental form such as:

  • Fenugreek: A small observational study showed when using fenugreek the mean output of breastmilk via pumping more than doubled within a 2 week period (2), further a group using fenugreek in tea form alone showed over a 4 week period infants weight increased alongside their breastfeeding sessions supporting the idea of increased milk supply from the use of the tea (3). It’s ability to increase milk supply is suggested via increase in prolactin.
  • Shatavari: The use of the herb shatavari has shown in research to increase total milk volume output as well as improving turnaround time in breast fullness after a feed showing its improvements on milk supply creation via prolactin support (5).
  • Fennel: Studies have shown that fennel can increase milk supply volume, fat content and support infant weight gain when supplementation is given. Unlike the other herbs fennel does not show any effects on prolactin. Further when consumed by the mother can be supportive of colic reduction in unsettled babies so the use of this herb has multiple benefits (4).

Is Stress Affecting your Supply?

Breastfeeding Stress Affecting your Supply. Brisbane livewell Clinic.
Adjusting to a newborn, parenthood and breastfeeding all combined is a learning curve and a massive adjustment. Stress is likely to play a role in what can feel like a fluctuating milk supply. While stress is to be expected, management of your stress can do wonders for improving your overall mental health outcomes as well as breastfeeding ones.

When we are stressed or anxious our bodies release adrenaline and cortisol, this combination is a sure-fire way to decrease our feel-good hormone oxytocin which has a direct link with the feedback mechanism that creates a ‘let down’ leading to an impacted milk supply (6). Herbal support can assist you during this transition to keep your nervous system calmer and support that oxytocin creation.

Alongside this putting into place coping mechanisms to support the transition into parenthood and letting your milk supply flourish are recommended:

  • Box Breathing: powerful but simple relaxation technique that aims to return breathing to its normal rhythm to keep stress at bay. Breathing in for 4 seconds, holding for 4, breathing out slowly through the nose for 4 seconds then holding once again for 4. Repeating as required across the day to keep the nervous system calmer.
  • Skin-to-Skin: positive skin-to-skin contact will help your body to release oxytocin and support milk supply while also reducing overall feelings of stress.

Breastfeeding is a supportive way to improve your health alongside your child’s, if this is a goal of yours to continue breastfeeding ongoing and it is working for your family there are so many herbal, nutritional and supportive ways holistic health management can assist this goal. If you are struggling with your breastfeeding goals and worried about your milk supply, get in touch with our clinic and we can arrange an appointment with one of our naturopaths to get your tailored and specific support to assist you in your breastfeeding goals.

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This article is a collaborative effort crafted with input from Brisbane Livewell Clinic practitioners. Our team, leaders in their fields, ensures the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects our commitment to a holistic and evidence-based approach to health and wellness.

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