Last Updated on 8 December 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic
The impacts of stress on our physical and emotional well being often goes unnoticed. Headaches, sore shoulders and difficulty sleeping is just what happens when you have a busy life, right? Wrong! So lets look at how Acupuncture can help stress?
Acupuncture has been found to help with depression by increasing neurotransmitter levels (norepinephrine (NE), brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), Serotonin (5-HT)) which are found to be low in people with depression.
Most of us experience the symptoms of stress every day but unfortunately, they’ve become such a ‘normal’ part of our lives that we’ve forgotten what life without the side effects of stress feels like.
Thankfully there’s a solution!
How Acupuncture Can Help Stress
Stress causes an imbalance in the body and acupuncture works as a kind of ‘reset’ button for the body. It slows the systems down that are going too fast, it calms the areas of your body that are aggravated and leaves you feeling relaxed and refreshed.
Acupuncture can help stress and is extremely effective in treating the underlying conditions that are causing stress. Some symptoms of stress you might not even realise are related include:
- anxiety;
- sleep disturbances;
- sore neck and shoulders;
- teeth grinding;
- gastrointestinal disturbances;
- high blood pressure;
- fertility issues;
- menstrual disorders;
- skin conditions;
- respiratory disorders;
- diminished immunity.
What Happens During Treatment?
1. Spend Time To Find a Clear Diagnosis
In your initial consultation, our experienced Acupuncturist will spend up time diagnosing your condition, using a wide range of diagnostic tools. The acupuncturist may assess the tongue, skin, pulse and eyes as these areas are seen as major indicators of overall health and well-being.
2. Find Relief With Acupuncture
Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific sites (acupuncture points) along the body’s meridians to clear energy blockages and encourage the normal flow of qi through the individual. Acupuncture is very relaxing and once the needles are inserted, you lie on a massage table and rest for 15-30 minutes. While you are resting, the acupuncture needles are working to balance your whole body. Acupuncture helps address the origin of the problem, while at the same time reducing the painful symptoms that are affecting your health and wellbeing.
3. Medicine Specifically Prepared For Your Condition
Herbs play a prominent role in healing. Herbs can be dispensed as an “off the shelf” formula or our practitioners can create a formula specifically designed for you. Our clinic has over 100 herbs to suit your specific needs.
4. Walk away with a Plan
Our practitioner can offer you a plan for your on-going recovery and other customised programs to support your health, diet and lifestyle.
Acupuncture can help stress and is extremely effective in treating the underlying conditions that are causing stress. Acupuncture can help stress and is extremely effective in treating the underlying conditions that are causing stress.
The analysis of nearly 5000 people in 22 studies stated that “…a course of Acupuncture of at least six treatment sessions can be a valuable option for people suffering anxiety. Your practitioner will discuss your personal situation with you during your first consultation and continue communicating with you about your improvements as your sessions progress.
Weekly treatments are recommended for sufferers. Your practitioner will discuss your personal situation with you during your first consultation and continue communicating with you about your improvements as your sessions progress.
Acupuncture is very relaxing and once the needles are inserted, you lie on a massage table and rest for 15-30 minutes. While you are resting, the acupuncture needles are working to balance your whole body. Acupuncture helps release tension, while at the same time reducing the painful symptoms that are affecting your health and wellbeing.